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Blog Post #1

From my perspective, creating blogs and commenting other’s blogs can be seen as a formative assessment strategy, because I am able to rectify my opinions and comprehend the learning content more thoroughly, while the form of the assessment tends to be iterative instead of giving only one opportunity. At the same time, these activities contain self-assessment part since I need to recall what I have read and learned and apply them to real scenario, to relate daily studying to these theories. However, summative assessment strategy is not obvious in this process.

These then link to what I learned last week. With regards to learning theories, peer reviews and instructions from the professor may connect to behavioral theories, they can be seen as reinforcement and feedbacks. The self-assessment part may connect to cognitive and constructivist theories, because I need to actively understand and construct the meaning of the content, while relating to my past ecperiences.

Compared to other courses, e.g. CSC 361 requires high level of self-learning ability in order to catch up with the professor during lectures, so I need to determine the best-suited learning content on the internet and figure out my own learning strategy considering my previous experiences, which appears to be more constructivist because the guidance and materials are clearly listed in EDCI335. However, two courses here do share some similarities, such as encouraging students to put theory into practice, either taking labs to code or relate learning theories to past experiences. It’s all about summative assessment and behaviorism focusing on results rather than process.

Comment for alex post:


  1. agarrett

    I agree that computer science classes like csc 361 require a great deal of self directing learning and existing understanding. I found it difficult to learn exclusively through lecture slides and found myself doing a majority of the learning in tutorials where we were encourage to discuss assignments with peers. I am looking forward to the different approach to learning this course offers.

  2. qluo

    ziming I really like how you combined your past experience with this week’s readings, and I really agree with you on both assessment methods

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