Q:What is your preferred mode of remote communication?

A:Personally, I’d prefer to create an messaging group where we can see if everyone has read the messages we’ve posted, and if there’s been someone who hasn’t read the message, we can contact them by phone.

Q:What are your communication strengths?

A:Personally, I’m a very good listener and I’m good at grabbing key information from conversations. Also since I am an avid electronics enthusiast, I usually see messages in a timely manner and respond to them at the same time.

Q:What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow?

A:I think my biggest weakness is that English is not my first language, and in certain formal communications, such as emails, I am unable to express myself professionally using proper grammar and appropriate vocabulary. But since this is an online course, I will go ahead and use a translator and dictionary to help me circumvent these disadvantages.

Q:Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

A:I think I’m extroverted, I like to make friends and team up to get things done

Q:What time zone are you in?

A:Victoria loacl time

Q:What time of day do you prefer doing academic work?

A:I prefer to work in the mornings or evenings, I often get tired in the afternoons.

Q:When you are upset do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself?

A:I tend to share it with my friends, and often I feel better when I talk about it, otherwise I’d be rambling a lot on my own.

Q:What do you like about group work?

A:I think group work can greatly reduce the probability of some errors occurring because there will be different people checking these tasks.

Q:What don’t you like about group work?

A:I think it makes me sad and overwhelmed if it’s when the teacher arranges the group and there will be some group members who are not very good at communicating or not very good at being on time and on task.